1st September 2022
Pete and I were heading home from town on the bus, and I spotted a holly wreath on the front door of one of the houses. The first sign of Christmas 2022! My heart skipped and I pointed to the wreath, but then I remembered Pete wouldn’t approve, so I pretended I was pointing out the manicured front garden. He told me to lower my expectations.
8th September 2022
I saw my first Christmas advert of the year today – it was about a tiny tortoise hibernating in a Christmas stocking. The first contender for my Top Christmas Advert 2022. Not sure what it’s advertising though because Pete came in, so I switched channel. If he knew Christmas adverts were already being aired, I’d never have heard the end of it.
15th September 2022
I popped into Garry’s Coffee Shop again today. I needed to vent, and I can always rely on Garry to listen. Pete saw the early Christmas advert this morning and it made him so snappy I had to get out. Somehow, Garry knew I was having a black coffee moment as soon as I stepped up to the counter. When I got home this afternoon, Pete had gone out. He sent a message around seven to say he’d have tea out, so the pie and mash I made for him is in Tupperwares in the fridge. He’s still not home.
22nd September 2022
I was in the charity shop in the village, and I saw a multi-pack of socks with the cutest Rudolf pattern I’ve ever seen. The original price tag was still on – twelve pounds ninety-five! But the charity shop only wanted three pounds, so I couldn’t resist. I’ve hidden the socks at the back of my underwear drawer, so Pete doesn’t notice. I can’t wait to wear them in December (if I can resist for that long!)
29th September 2022
Pete announced this morning that he’s never liked omelettes, even though I’ve been making them for him for the last twenty-five years. So today, I’ve been wearing a pair of my new Rudolf socks under my slacks. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt so rebellious – it’s not even October! I showed Garry when I popped into the coffee shop and he looked like he wanted to laugh, but in true Garry style, he didn’t pass comment.

6th October 2022
Pete’s spending a lot of time with his cricket friends in the evenings recently, so I’m making the most of the opportunity to crack on with my Christmas cards. Fifty-three to write again this year. Pete says he doesn’t know why I bother, because we never get more than thirty cards in return, but it’s about the spirit of giving, isn’t it?
13th October 2022
I went to the dentist today. I was sitting in the waiting room, trembling, as always, and I remembered there was a time when Pete used to come with me to comfort me. I remembered that time when he memorised about twenty terrible dental-themed jokes to make me laugh whilst I waited, and by the tenth joke, the whole waiting room was roaring laughing. For a minute I wished he was with me, but then the couple sitting next to me started talking about their plans for Christmas, and I was relieved he wasn’t.
20th October 2022
I had to pop into Garry’s Coffee Shop this afternoon to tell Garry that the Starbuck’s in town has started using their Christmas cups. He gave me an extra-large slice of salted caramel cake as a thank you. He’s so busy in his own coffee shop, he appreciates being kept up to date as Christmas filters into the shops and cafés. He’s going to put up the fairy lights in the coffee shop tonight.

27th October 2022
Mum rang and told me she got the date through for her hip op. At last! I told Pete, but instead of being pleased, he spotted my reindeer socks and got very irate indeed. He asked if I’m trying to make him divorce me! It was very much a black coffee moment, so I went to the coffee shop and told Garry everything. No comment on Pete’s behaviour – Garry’s ever the professional with his customer care, but he’s delighted for Mum.
3rd November 2022
I’ll never admit it to Pete, but as far as I’m concerned, Christmas officially starts in November. I waited until Pete went out this afternoon and I watched my first Hallmark Christmas film of the year. I put the subtitles on so I could keep the volume down, in case he came home without me hearing and caught me. Luckily, I got through the whole film without interruption. Now feeling silently festive!
10th November 2022
I have a new contender for my Top Christmas Advert 2022! I saw the new John Lewis Christmas advert earlier and it made me feel like I was lit up with Christmas, even though Pete scowled all the way through it. Sometimes I think it might be me who puts him in these incessant bad moods. I took myself for a coffee at Garry’s Coffee Shop to give Pete some space and when I got back, he was out. He’s still out.
17th November 2022
Today I baked a batch of Christmas-themed cookies and cupcakes for Garry’s Coffee Shop. Garry popped over to pick them up, and Pete was so out of order. He told Garry not to pay me too much in case I got carried away with the idea that my ‘little hobby’ would make me a millionaire. Garry didn’t say anything, but when he paid me at the front door, he gave me an extra ten pounds. ‘Worth every penny,’ he said. ‘Just don’t forget me when you’re a millionaire.’
24th November 2022
My goodness! Garry has outdone himself with the Christmas decorations in his coffee shop. He put the final touches up last night and now I’m itching to decorate too. I picked up Pete’s present while I was there. It’s a Lego Death Star. Garry let me get it delivered to the coffee shop because I was so worried Pete would see it. I can’t wait to see Pete’s smile when he opens it on Christmas Day. He’s still got such a lovely smile when he chooses to share it.
1st December 2022
Today, I decorated the house, with Christmas music playing full blast. Pete lasted until midday before he declared he was having a festive overload and he left to go into town. I asked him to pick up my annual pack of M&S luxury mince pies whilst he was there… that was seven hours ago. I do wonder where he disappears off to sometimes, but he doesn’t like it when I ask. Hopefully, he’s found a bit of Christmas spirit as well as my box of mince pies!
To find out how Sarah and Pete’s Christmas turns out, order your copy of The Mistletoe Mixtape, available from 3rd October 2022.

Written by Jennifer Bromham