Our lovely group of authors formed after being shortlisted for the Penguin Michael Joseph “Christmas Love Story” competition ’20/’21. We found each other on social media during the wait for the final announcement, and though we all knew there could only be one winner, everyone threw their support behind each other in the hopes that it would be a member of our community.
When the competition ended momentum continued, and twelve of us began working on a way to publish our stories. We knew we had something special in our close-knit group, and our Collective has flourished despite lockdown and our scattered locations across the U.K. and Ireland.
We chose to create an anthology of short stories and teaser chapters which would give each author a voice, while also allowing us to pool our human resources into a fledgling publishing outfit. We do everything – from content creation to social media, editing and design.
This year, we’ve added three new authors into the mix for what promises to be another exciting Christmas anthology. Sign up to our newsletter to keep up to date with announcements as we move into the festive season.
Our personal story is one of hope, perseverance, and the best of human nature – and the stories in our debut anthology reflect all that and much more. If you’ve read this far, please know that we are sincerely grateful for your time and support of self-published authors; nothing makes us happier than being able to share our worlds – and the characters in them – with you.